วันอังคารที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Disadvantages of a Laser Printer

There are very few disadvantages to owning a laser printer in general but one of them is absolutely the cost. The money that you could spend on a very high-end inkjet printer will only buy you a very low-end color laser printer with petite capacities. Color laser printers with multi-functions such as a copier and a fax all in one are even more expensive. However a middle of the line black and white laser printer is comparable to the price of a top of the line color inkjet printer.

Another disadvantage is the cost of the cartridges inside a laser printer. Sometimes the cartridges cost practically as much as the printer did which is why many habitancy throw the entire printer out and buy a new one after the cartridge expires in year or two.

Best Home Printer

The cartridges for laser printers are some times more costly then the cost of the toner cartridges for inkjet printers. However they do last longer especially if you remember to set the printer in black and white printing mode when printing black and white and only using the color mode when it is de facto needed. Other way to make an costly color laser toner cartridge last longer is to keep the printer in low capability mode unless you are printing out the final document.

If you live in a hot or humid atmosphere a laser printer may not be the ideal explication for you. This is because running these machines can make a room very hot. The fuser inside them, which is the expedient that melts the plastic granules that constitute the powder that makes up the toner onto the paper, heats up to as high as 200 degrees Celsius.

Another limitation of a laser printer is that they only de facto print on confident kinds of paper. If you want to print out photographs then a laser printer is not for you as they are not yet capable of printing high-resolution images. Also you cannot put photographic paper through a laser printer. For the best capability images you need to buy a bubble jet ink printer that can transfer an image onto photographic paper. The color capability that you get with a bubble jet ink printer is just as good if not better than the color capability that you can obtain with a laser printer. A high-end color printer that produces capability color images can cost as much as ,500 to ,000 whereas you can get a good capability ink jet printer for about 0.

Another disadvantage of laser printers is that many of them are petite by the estimate of memory that they are sold with. This can sometimes limit the estimate of fonts that you can use. To strengthen the memory of your color laser printer you normally have to buy a small Ram board. This is the only dependable way to setup memory so that the color laser printer can apply a estimate of fonts.

The more costly a laser printer is the faster it is. The affordable models only print out about four pages a minute. Top end models print out about twelve pages a petite but they are not de facto affordable for the individual.

Laser printers, especially the color laser printers, can also be heavy and take up a lot of desk space or room in the office. At the time of writing there was also no such thing as a conveyable laser printer. The suspect that a conveyable laser printer has yet to be invented is because a battery does not yet exist that is small enough to contribute laser printer functions with enough power so that it can be taken on the road.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Einstein - Definition of Insanity

Insanity in the Sign & Graphics Industry

Einstein's Definition

Best Home Printer

Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting separate results". Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to the way you run your company?

Have you been doing the same thing over and over again expecting separate results? If so, then you might want to keep on reading. In a world where technology is becoming a key productivity tool to the success of any business, it plainly comes down to, are you accepting and harnessing technology or rejecting it. Are you willing to convert or will you do the same thing over and over again? T

Here are two main reasons why I pose this question. First, many shop owners today have trouble comprehension how new technology, specifically software, can come to be a major advantage to their business, and second, owners have trouble measuring the profits they are losing by rejecting this technological change. Have you ever rejected technology?

"If It Ain't Broke Then Don't Fix It!" Mentality

Are you expecting to growth profits by chronic the same firm strategy year after year? If so, how long do you think the recipe will work?

Many shop owners plainly do not see the need to update or convert their current method. They believe that there is no need to spend in a new recipe when the old one still seems to work fine. This is the common, "If it ain't broke then don't fix it!" mentality. Well, I hate to be the one to say it, but just because something isn't "broke" doesn't mean you can't make it work better. When new technology such as software, could save you large amounts of time & money, how can you not accept it?

In an industry where there is an expanding level of competitiveness, shop owners must take advantage of every recipe ready to help them cut costs. Would a commercial printer seeing to grow their business, limit their shop to just a one color press? Sure they can continue to operate with a one color press, but wouldn't a two or four color press help progress their firm into other areas more effectively. In this example the current recipe works, but a technological convert would help growth the company's potential to grow.

Exploring these other areas help companies to maintain and growth profits. Without accepting new technology, shop owners greatly limit their profit potential. By using the power of technology to make their firm practices more effective owners can continue to accomplish their goals.

Are You Sacrificing?

A lot of shop owners that we talk with have a hard time visualizing the estimate of money they are losing, or in actuality, the estimate of money they are giving to their competition, due to inconsistencies in the work flow process. These shops feel they are doing well with the theory they currently have in place and do not see the need to convert to a new method. This lack of foresight can cause owners to limit their hereafter profits.

On the opposite side, the owners that do see a need for convert begin to focus more attentiveness on how much money it will cost to make the switch rather than how much they are losing. These owners come to be unsure and wonder if the speculation today will pay off tomorrow. To those owners, how much will it cost you not to switch? Do you even know? Is it one, three, perhaps five jobs a day? Do the math. How much money/time is lost due to inefficiencies such as faulty estimates, under/over-priced jobs, or lost invoices.

Ask yourself, how long can a firm continue to compete if they are not being as effective as their competition? If companies pick to stay with the same theory they have been using for years and reject convert are they, in essence, choosing to reduce hereafter profits?

0,000 a Year

One firm in single that we spoke with was losing 4 orders per week to their competition. Since only one someone in the shop was able to estimate, it was taking days to get quotes to customers, therefore forcing their clients to seek, and finally accept bids from competing companies. When this firm finally analyzed their recipe and applied a dollar estimate to the loss, they estimated they were losing colse to 0,000 in income a year. fabulous right? What would 4 orders a week cost you? Or if you could accept 4 more orders a week, what would you do with the extra profits? How does a firm like this one miss out on a 0,000 opportunity? plainly put, insanity, the Einstein definition.

It's not Just Estimating

Companies are not just losing profits due to faulty estimates; they're also losing profits due to a lack of consequent up, or buyer management. When sending estimates out to potential clients, how often do companies remember to consequent up with them? With the constant chaos that shop owners feel on a daily basis, this consequent up process can come to be an aspect that is swiftly forgotten, especially if the current estimating theory doesn't include this integration.

How much can a firm growth their "win" rate for estimates by placing consequent up calls to all customers with estimates outstanding? By using a distinguished integrated estimating and firm management software, like Cyrious, company's are able to create reminders that will tell employees who to call, when to call, and why, automatically. It keeps all customer, contact, and order information together in one place and increases the potential to save time and builds buyer relationships significant to firm growth and expansion.

Adapting to Change

By adapting to change, and accepting and harnessing technology, shop owners who use Cyrious Software have come to be more effective and profitable.

Cyrious helps owners solve a variety of separate frustrations. Either you're an owner who is frustrated with estimating because it takes up too much time or one that is angry that orders keep getting lost and misplaced, Cyrious has a solution. Cyrious helps put an end to the lack of integration by providing the power of manifold software systems in one (estimating, accounting, job tracking, buyer management, etc.). No firm is happy about losing customers due to late quotes or losing money because parts are omitted from estimates and orders.

When owners understand the estimate of time and money a separate recipe can save them, the switch to distinguished software like Cyrious is simple. Is it time for you to eye separate methods to growth sales & profits, and make your firm more manageable?

For More information on Cyrious Software go to http://www.cyrious.net, call 1-800-552-1418 , or email info@cyrious.net

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

How To pick A Printer That Will Do The Job For You

These days, the printer has evolved to a very noticeable extent. printers started with the dot matrix type that was very hard to use. Dot matrix printers are the ones that print very loudly and it is difficult to feed the paper into them.

Now, laser printers and inkjet printers have replaced dot matrix printers. How do you select the exquisite printer for the job? Below are five of the most important qualities you should look for when choosing a printer.

Best Home Printer

The most important factor to be thought about is the resolution. Resolution is the amount of dots a printer prints in a square inch. Your old dot matrix printer could not print in a high resolution. Ink jet printers are exquisite for this. A good capability printer with high resolution can yield 1440 by 720 dpi.
The operating cost of the printer should also be considered. The speed of the printer is very important especially if you are using it in the office. Laser printers are exquisite in this respect, 80 to 100 page documents can be printed in a very short time. Laser printers are also very cost sufficient to control since their cartridges are not replaced very often.

Printers that have photo lab capability are indispensable if you are finding for a printer that can print high-resolution images in photo paper. Those who often use printers for printing pictures should get printers of the dye-sublimation type. With this type of printer, the dots are softer, thereby development the images appear sharper.

The volume of printout per tiny is indispensable if you are printing large numbers of documents in black and white. There are printers with a lower resolution of about 400 by 400 dpi that can print about 70 pages in black and white within a minute.

The size of the printout is also to be considered. There are inescapable printers that can print all sizes of documents, big or small. The usual paper size is the 8.5 by 11 but for these types of printers, you can print enveloped size to tabloid-sized documents.
To be able to go for the exquisite printer for your needs, you should first conclude where the printer would be used. If you are keen on printing photos, then a photo printer is necessary, but if you are more curious in printing documents, then heavy duty printers with speed printing are thorough to use. High resolution is important, however it should fit the speed, capability and price of the printout.
Keeping the above specifications in mind, you will be able to buy the right printer that would meet your requirements.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Things to believe When Buying a recent Printer For Your Home

Having a printer is a convenient and amazing tool that provides the perfect accompaniment to your computer. You can acquire more spend out of your computer and accomplish it more functional overall when you have a home printer.
Like most things, your home printer will wear out after a lot of exercise and will need to be replaced. Things change fast in the computer industry, so you can examine to accumulate a wider range of choices and options in printers when you site out to hold a unusual one. To abet you accomplish your final decision here are 10 things to believe when buying a novel printer for your home.
1)  Will you be using this printer for all your printing needs?  You need to know if you will be using your printer to handle printing documents, colour documents and photos or if you unbiased need it to print documents. This will attend you to figure out the type of printer you will need. It will also succor you in deciding about the print hurry and quality that you need in a printer.
2)  You should also believe your overall needs. If you will be using the printer for various types of printing needs then you may want to examine for a multifunctional printer. You can fetch printers that will not only print but also scan and copy documents.
3)  You should judge the amount of exercise, too. You need to judge about the average exhaust. Will you be using it for light, occasional printing or will you be doing daily, heavy printing jobs?  This is distinguished because you will need to reflect everything from the types of printing you do to how distinguished you print so that you will prefer a printer that can handle what you need.
4)  Of course, you have to assume about cost. Printer prices have actually came down quite a bit. You might be surprised at unprejudiced how affordable even the top of the line printers are. You can accumulate a very fine printer for an affordable sign.
5)  Not only do you have to believe about the upfront cost of the printer, but you need to retract a peer at the cost of the cartridges. In some cases a printer can actually cost less than the cartridges. You should always check out what type of cartridge the printer uses and check that tag before you earn your occupy.
6)  reflect about the effect name of the printer. You do not always need the top mark name, but you should calm remove a stamp name that you trust. You want to be able to rely on the effect and know that the company is known for producing high quality products.
7)  accept reviews about the printer. Read them and exhaust them as allotment of your considerations when buying a current printer. You cannot always go by everything you read in a review, but if multiple people seem to have the same notion then it is probably right and something you should believe.
8)  Ask people you know for recommendations about a satisfactory printer. You can usually trust your friends and relatives opinions. You can also ask questions and catch advice on if the printer would work for you. This is something honorable when buying a printer.
9)  think off brands. Even though you have already looked for pleasurable effect names, you might want to catch a second eye. You can rep some very safe lesser known brands that are comparable to the top priced note names.
10)  Lastly, judge where you will capture your unique printer. You have a range of options and where you recall your printer can be a tremendous influence on the final cost and your overall satisfaction with the engage. You want to retract from a company that offers you tall service and a safe value. Many people go online to catch printers because the prices online tend to be lower than those in the stores.
These ten things to reflect when buying a unusual printer will attend guide you to the printer that is accurate for you. hold all these things into mind and you will most likely destroy up very ecstatic with your final decision.