วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Einstein - Definition of Insanity

Insanity in the Sign & Graphics Industry

Einstein's Definition

Best Home Printer

Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting separate results". Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to the way you run your company?

Have you been doing the same thing over and over again expecting separate results? If so, then you might want to keep on reading. In a world where technology is becoming a key productivity tool to the success of any business, it plainly comes down to, are you accepting and harnessing technology or rejecting it. Are you willing to convert or will you do the same thing over and over again? T

Here are two main reasons why I pose this question. First, many shop owners today have trouble comprehension how new technology, specifically software, can come to be a major advantage to their business, and second, owners have trouble measuring the profits they are losing by rejecting this technological change. Have you ever rejected technology?

"If It Ain't Broke Then Don't Fix It!" Mentality

Are you expecting to growth profits by chronic the same firm strategy year after year? If so, how long do you think the recipe will work?

Many shop owners plainly do not see the need to update or convert their current method. They believe that there is no need to spend in a new recipe when the old one still seems to work fine. This is the common, "If it ain't broke then don't fix it!" mentality. Well, I hate to be the one to say it, but just because something isn't "broke" doesn't mean you can't make it work better. When new technology such as software, could save you large amounts of time & money, how can you not accept it?

In an industry where there is an expanding level of competitiveness, shop owners must take advantage of every recipe ready to help them cut costs. Would a commercial printer seeing to grow their business, limit their shop to just a one color press? Sure they can continue to operate with a one color press, but wouldn't a two or four color press help progress their firm into other areas more effectively. In this example the current recipe works, but a technological convert would help growth the company's potential to grow.

Exploring these other areas help companies to maintain and growth profits. Without accepting new technology, shop owners greatly limit their profit potential. By using the power of technology to make their firm practices more effective owners can continue to accomplish their goals.

Are You Sacrificing?

A lot of shop owners that we talk with have a hard time visualizing the estimate of money they are losing, or in actuality, the estimate of money they are giving to their competition, due to inconsistencies in the work flow process. These shops feel they are doing well with the theory they currently have in place and do not see the need to convert to a new method. This lack of foresight can cause owners to limit their hereafter profits.

On the opposite side, the owners that do see a need for convert begin to focus more attentiveness on how much money it will cost to make the switch rather than how much they are losing. These owners come to be unsure and wonder if the speculation today will pay off tomorrow. To those owners, how much will it cost you not to switch? Do you even know? Is it one, three, perhaps five jobs a day? Do the math. How much money/time is lost due to inefficiencies such as faulty estimates, under/over-priced jobs, or lost invoices.

Ask yourself, how long can a firm continue to compete if they are not being as effective as their competition? If companies pick to stay with the same theory they have been using for years and reject convert are they, in essence, choosing to reduce hereafter profits?

0,000 a Year

One firm in single that we spoke with was losing 4 orders per week to their competition. Since only one someone in the shop was able to estimate, it was taking days to get quotes to customers, therefore forcing their clients to seek, and finally accept bids from competing companies. When this firm finally analyzed their recipe and applied a dollar estimate to the loss, they estimated they were losing colse to 0,000 in income a year. fabulous right? What would 4 orders a week cost you? Or if you could accept 4 more orders a week, what would you do with the extra profits? How does a firm like this one miss out on a 0,000 opportunity? plainly put, insanity, the Einstein definition.

It's not Just Estimating

Companies are not just losing profits due to faulty estimates; they're also losing profits due to a lack of consequent up, or buyer management. When sending estimates out to potential clients, how often do companies remember to consequent up with them? With the constant chaos that shop owners feel on a daily basis, this consequent up process can come to be an aspect that is swiftly forgotten, especially if the current estimating theory doesn't include this integration.

How much can a firm growth their "win" rate for estimates by placing consequent up calls to all customers with estimates outstanding? By using a distinguished integrated estimating and firm management software, like Cyrious, company's are able to create reminders that will tell employees who to call, when to call, and why, automatically. It keeps all customer, contact, and order information together in one place and increases the potential to save time and builds buyer relationships significant to firm growth and expansion.

Adapting to Change

By adapting to change, and accepting and harnessing technology, shop owners who use Cyrious Software have come to be more effective and profitable.

Cyrious helps owners solve a variety of separate frustrations. Either you're an owner who is frustrated with estimating because it takes up too much time or one that is angry that orders keep getting lost and misplaced, Cyrious has a solution. Cyrious helps put an end to the lack of integration by providing the power of manifold software systems in one (estimating, accounting, job tracking, buyer management, etc.). No firm is happy about losing customers due to late quotes or losing money because parts are omitted from estimates and orders.

When owners understand the estimate of time and money a separate recipe can save them, the switch to distinguished software like Cyrious is simple. Is it time for you to eye separate methods to growth sales & profits, and make your firm more manageable?

For More information on Cyrious Software go to http://www.cyrious.net, call 1-800-552-1418 , or email info@cyrious.net

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